What are the most often replaced auto parts?
Car parts replacement will always have to depend on the kind of driving that you do on the road, the number of mileage that you put on your car and the condition of the weather on where you run it.
Aggressive drivers who are mostly brake fanatics will surely wear out the brake pads on their autos faster than those of the reserved ones. Some car experts would just give you an estimate on when to replace a part based on their experience in different cars.
Here's a list of the most often replaced auto parts:
a. Brake Pads - most likely to be replaced every 4 to 5 years. However, it will again depend on the type of car you have and the your driving habits.Bigger cars tend to wear out their brakes faster than smallers ones.
b. Oil and Oil Filter - most likely to be replaced every 4 to 6 months or 5,000 to 8,000 kilometers.(whichever comes first)
c. Battery - most likely to be replaced every 4 to 5 years, but, considering the heat that we have here in the country it may even be replaced in 3 years.
d. Air Filter - most likely to be replaced every 3 to 4 years or 50,000 to 80,000 kilometers. (whichever comes first)
e. Headlights and/or tail light bulbs - most likely to be replaced every 5 to 7 years
f. Tires - most likely to be replaced every five to seven years.It also depends on how much mileage ou run your tires in a year.
g. Spark Plugs - Platinum and iridium plugs would most likely to be replaced when you reach 160,000 kilometers mileage or about 8 years (whichever comes first)
h. Brake Calipers, Wheel Cylinders and Master Cylinder - most likely to be replaced every 8 years or just like the spark plugs, every 160,000 kilometers.
i. Muffler - Most late model original equipment mufflers are stainless steel, and will typically last 10 years or 100,000 miles (or more) depending on environmental exposure to road salt and moisture.
j. Fuel Pump - May last the life of your vehicle, or it may fail after 5 or 6 years of driving. Running the fuel tank dry or driving with a very low fuel level inside the tank may starve the pump for lubrication, causing it to fail.
k. Water pump - May last the life of your vehicle, or it may fail after 6 to 8 years of driving. The shaft seal inside the water pump wears, and eventually starts to leak. The loss of coolant will cause your engine to overheat.
l. Automatic Transmission - Should last the life of your vehicle, but may fail at any point from 115,000 kilometers on. Aggressive driving or anything that causes the transmission to run hotter than normal can shorten its life and lead to failure.
m. Alternator - May last the life of your auto, or it would most likely to be replaced after 5 or 6 years of driving. Alternators keep the battery charged, and supplies voltage for your vehicle's electrical system. We highly recommend that you test the alternator to see if it's good or if you should replace it already.
n. Shocks & Struts - The shocks and struts on many vehicles may NEVER be replaced during the life of the vehicle, But after 80,000 to 120,000 kilometers of driving, many shocks and struts are getting noticeably soft.
o. Clutch - Varies greatly with how the vehicle is driven, but normally should last up to 160,000 kilometers with normal driving.
p. Fuses - You may never have to replace a fuse on your vehicle, but fuses are a frequently replaced item because of electrical problems. Fuses protect againt current overloads, so if a fuse has failed the circuit or component that the fuse protects may have a short or overload.
Take note of this list and check your auto because you might need to replace some parts of it that are already wearing out.